Part of Queen Street was blocked off, Mariah Carey sang two of her most famous Christmas songs to a huge crowd which gathered for a free night to hear the songstress. Afterwards, the famous Holiday windows were revealed.
今年的假期主题,魔法森林which spans five windows;
- 兔子在森林池塘上冰雪
- 小鼠在熊覆盖的熊上嬉戏地嬉戏
- Mother owl perched on her treetop nest, protecting her new-born babies
- Peaceful foxes slumbering underground, while dancing raccoons try to wake them
- A gaggle of geese wrapped in a wreath, snow-shoeing through the forest
If you're in the Toronto area, grab a hot chocolate and head to Yonge and Queen Street to explore the魔法森林.
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