March 21, 2012


有兴趣让你的皮肤正确诊断出来吗?前往多伦多伊顿中心,在2012年3月25日的这个星期天将成为突出的Vichy医疗保健中心。是什么让这个弹出窗口独一无二的是,手头有实际的vichy皮肤专家谁将使用适当的工具来诊断您的肤色,需求和担忧。您将收到一个Vichy Skin处方,产品将解决您的特定皮肤问题。
Three different skin assessing tools are utilized;

  1. the Hydrometer:皮肤水合水平的测试(在我的情况下脱水,考虑到我在飞机上的一半月份旅行时毫不奇怪)
  2. 微观镜片:确定皮肤需求和顾虑(哦,亲爱的!扩张毛孔,细纹和破碎的毛细血管。不可否认,非常酷,看看极端的特写镜头)
  3. a UV Photo:shows the amount of UV damage which has accumulated under skin (Thankfully, not bad! The more freckles you see and dark spots means the more UV damage) I've been wanting to have a UV photo for years, only a few dermatologists will have this special camera on hand.

skin close-up
The Hydrometer and Microscopic Lens are tools widely available where Vichy is sold, properly trained Vichy experts are at these location to assess. So, stores in Canada such as Shopper Drug Mart do have these tools. I've actually seen the Vichy tools at the Shoppers Drug Mart boutique-style stores but never thought to ask for an assessment. However, the UV Photo assessment is only available at the event. The Vichy event is free & samples are given as is a coupon.
What is your skin prescription?



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