December 31, 2010

新年快乐! !{2011}

(image:ElleRussia viaFashionGoneRogue)
新年快乐! !2011年祝你所有最好的and thank you for visiting and supporting my little beauty blog,! Lots of exciting posts for the New Year & I still owe you an update on an exciting piece of news!! But I have been working for ten days (except for Christmas) and flying all over the world and haven't had the time to post. This above fashion spread fromElleRussia sums up how I feel right now...rushed to get ready for NYE! If only I looked that fabulous...Enjoy the bubbly responsibly and enjoy your night.


  1. Happy New Year Monica! Hope we get to meet in this 2011 xoxo

  2. Thank you! And well wishes to you too:) Yes, this year we do have to meet, I'll let you know when I'm across the pond.

  3. Happy New Year to you as well! So glad 2010 brought you much happiness - you deserve it. Thank you for always visiting my blog as well and for your support! I always love seeing you at all the events but would love to catch up one on one sometime! Cheers to 2011!


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