July 21, 2010

Babushka know's best {Babushka's Beauty Secrets Book review + giveaway}

Grandma always know's best...how many times have we been told by our Grandmothers old World "wives tales" or "our own little beauty secrets" and as simple as these secrets were they actually worked. Well, esthetician and salon ownerRaisa Ruder值得庆幸的是,她的巴布什卡(Babushka)(乌克兰人祖母)的美容秘密。狗万安卓旁边苏珊·坎波斯(Susan Campos)(she blogs too) who specializes in Green beauty, fell in love with Ruder's babushka's beauty secrets and the two decided to emerge their ideas and write a beauty book,Babushka的美容狗万安卓秘密: Old World tips for a Glamorous New You. The best part is is that all the ingredients are in your kitchen so with a little time you too can whip up your own beauty recipes and have great skin. The beauty recipes are easy to follow and easy to make, a few ingredients I've had to go out and purchase but for the most part it was just a matter of using left-over items. Which in fact was Ruder's babushka's motto,never let anything go to waste. Babushka actually created her own little beauty salon in her house back in the Ukraine, she was the Julia Child of creating natural skincare recipes, and was a skincare "rock star" in her village. One of my favourite tips is to use milk as a toner (actually works & skin looks great)...how inexpensive is that?!
Babushka's Top 5 Ingredients:
  1. potatoes
  2. vodka-also good as a girls night spa event drink:)
  3. milk
  4. olive oil
  5. eggs
Without giving away anymore beauty secrets you'll have to get your own copy...and guess what3 lucky readerswill! To enter simply follow these rules:
2-No P.O Boxes, sorry
3-if your not already please "follow my blog" (for an extra entry & let me know)
4-deadline: August 1st
For more info on where to purchaseBabushka的美容狗万安卓秘密访问在线的
Share your own family's beauty secrets, would love to read about it!

My boyfriend's aunt's beauty tip:
1-wash hands with lemon juice & sugar for soft hands
2-use the oil from the tuna can on your face as a moisturizer (umm I haven't tried that one yet)

(1) Emily
(2) Ella Pretty
(3) WindyCindy
CONGRATS & email me your address:-)


  1. 我是追随者!

    I wish I had family beauty secrets... I must be drawing a blank right now.


  2. I've heard of lemon juice as toner, an aspirin facial, but I've never heard of tuna oil as a moisturizer! Fish oil is probably good, but don't get too close to the kitties. Meow!

  3. I can remember using baking soda for toothpaste, putting mayonnaise on my hair to condition it and spritzing my face with rose water to keep my makeup fresh...
    Many thanks, Cindi

  4. I'm a follower!

    My family beauty secrets:
    -massage warm coconut oil on the scalp and hair at least once a week for healthy hair
    - 穆德面具与玫瑰水混合 - 有某种类型的泥/粘土以砖形式出售。您用玫瑰水崩溃,然后涂在脸上 - 使您的皮肤如此清晰。我十几岁的时候有一些,但是最近我还没有找到任何砖头。

  5. Babushka is RUSSIAN for grandma :) Hehe...


  6. 是的,俄罗斯人也相信其他一些语言...

  7. I remember my mother using mayo and egg yolks in her hair, and adding sugar to any liquid soap for a natural exfoliater, though I think the real family beauty secret is in our genes. My mom is in her mid 50s and still looks great and is in fantastic shape. :)
    I think it's fun to learn about and use the beauty rituals passed down through generations.
    On a random note: My family is from Wales and we call my grandmother Magee.


  8. Soak feet in Green Tea. It really softens them.


  9. I just found your site, and started following. : )

  10. -Vaseline around the eyes to eliminate crows feet
    -brown sugar mixed with cleanser as an exfoliator


  11. I'm *SO* excited - thank you! I've emailed you my address!


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