April 21, 2010

Inside that Counts {Genuine Health dermalipid review + giveaway}

Skincare junkies listen-up...do you take care of your insides? What's the point of spending money on skincare products that only work on the outside if you neglect what you put inside. OK so perhaps some of you already drink your required 8 glasses of water per day, eat healthy nutritious foods, work-out, etc...but you can use a push or two. I know with my job its not always easy to do the above and with the dehydrating environment I work in Genuine Health has come up with the right solution for me. Co-workers take note, you'll like these hydrating capsules! Moisture, repair, and protect your skin from the inside withGenuine Health's Dermalipidcapsules. From their site:
• Locks in moisture from within – as opposed to merely covering up dry skin
• Repairs and replenishes the 1st layer of the skin with a research-based Hydrabond™ formula of borage oil, squalane (from olive oil), all-natural ceramides and phosphatidylserine
• Helps reduce skin roughness, scaling, redness and itching
• Helps slow damage caused by harmful pollution and UV exposure
• Is completely natural and safe
However, its not just for those with dehydrated/dry skin its good for all skintypes. Better news is that you can win your own sample of Genuine Health Dermalipid (60 softgels). Here are the rules, onlyonewinner will be chosen using random.org:
  1. must live in Canada/US
  2. follow genuine health on推特or join theirfacebookgroup
  3. do you take vitamins &/or other supplements, let me know?

I also take a multi-vitamin and ginkgo biloba for my migranes, used to take Omega 3's but now I replaced it with the Dermalipid. Next I want to tryGenuine Health's Perfect SkinorHealthy Skin + Greens, I've heard great things about these products from bloggersfinal fashion&galaDarling.
GOODLUCK, last day to enter is April 30th!

WINNER is.....

#3 Huguette E., CONGRATS & email me your address!

winner was chosen using random.org
(image: genuinehealth.com, Disclaimer: products provided for review)



  1. wow, what a wonderful giveaway! my skin has been misbehaving lately (although i've managed to show it who's boss recently) and i'd love to know if this would work for me.

    i live in vancouver, followed genuine health's twitter, and joined their facebook group.

    right now i only take multivitamins with an extra vitamin c.

    http: //onemustbe.blogspot.com/

  2. Hi! I love your blog!

    I live in Canada.

    I am following genuine health on twitter.

    I take a vitamin for my eyes called Maximeyes (clever name!) I also want to try Genuine Health's Perfect Skin because I've heard very positive feedback from my friends.

  3. I'm a follower of Genuine Health on twitter and a fan on facebook.

    I take Life's Daily-One Energy multi vitamins, calcium, Omega3, Vitamin D and Vitamin C.

    Thanks for the chance!

  4. Thank you!! I sent you an email with my information.


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