
再见处方眼镜...再见隐形眼镜{Lasik Surgery}

As a Birthday gift tomoi我终于决定获得Lasik手术,我很兴奋和紧张。这是我多年来研究和预期的产品!作为我在30年代初期,我的处方在过去几年中没有改变,我觉得“我是蝙蝠”。我的问题是:


  1. 我的父母都有眼科手术。我爸爸第一次出来时有lasik。双眼都愈合了,但他睡了一吨,眼睛非常痒。他推荐visene等很多眼睛。因为他们会给你抗生素的眼镜,这会干掉眼睛。

    My mom took about 2 weeks to heal rather than the 5 days it took my dad but she did not have lasik she had the lense replaced due to cataracts.

    You should be fine just make sure for the first day or two you have someone to help you with getting food and such. other than that after the first day you can take off the guards during the day time and you will be fine. (you have to wear the guards at night for like two weeks so you dont itch in your sleep). Also get good sunglasses with broad spectrum protection. you will need them

  2. 我都有一个lasik和prk,每只眼睛一对一。当我完成第一只眼睛时,LASIK并不是在英格兰的报价,所以我别无选择,只能有PRK。几年后,当我做了我的另一只眼睛时,Lasik都是愤怒,并且确实是长期结果和恢复时间的更好的过程。
    我不是一个特别好的候选人激光surgery because I was very short sighted, about -7 (the maximum they would treat at the time, I don't know if it still is) and my prescription for astigmatism was outside the range that they would treat, so they were a bit dubious and told me I would never get better than 70% vision. This didn't bother me that much as by that time I could no longer wear contact lenses as they were so thick for my prescription that my eye couldn't support the lens, it kept slipping down, and I have a very flat-bridged nose so glasses of any kind were so heavy they slipped down without an odd-looking industrial-style clip to hold them. Yes, not fun. So the way I saw it, with 70% vision, I would still be able to wear normal sized glasses and live a fairly normal life.
    I have to say, my vision now is more like 90%. For me, the results were great and I wholeheartedly recommend the operation to others. That said, it's your eyes, they're not something to mess with lightly. It pisses me off to see adverts saying 'do laser eye surgery in your lunchbreak!'. No way. Do your research, take your time, interview different surgeons. It may have worked out great for me but there are serious side-effects and you need to know what you're getting into.

  3. 哇~~,我一直想这样做。但是,仍然害怕如果出错。

  4. Thank you so much for your comments:) It means alot!
    I'll be travelling to Colombia actually to get the procedure done. I'm going to one of the best Lasik doctor's in Medellin, my BF & another 4 friends of mine have gone to this doctor. My big day (for pre-op) is Jan.28 (a day before my Bday):) As of today I'm wearing my glasses & it feels so weird because no one at work knew I wore glasses. I never wear my glasses at work not even on red-eye flights or 15 hour flights, bad I know!

  5. hummmm, a really interasting blog! and love your banner (L)


  6. Hey, Monica,

    Is your birthday on Jan29?? Wow~~ mine too.
    Small world, ah??

  7. 凯特 - omg!这太酷了!我们与Oprah,Heather Graham&Tom Selleck分享我们的日子!

  8. I have not had such a surgery but I wish you luck with it!

  9. my husband had the surgery. Although he does benefit from not wearing glasses anymore he does see a halo when driving in the evening...which cannot be corrected with glass.

    He is also experiencing deterioration in one eye…again cannot be helped by glasses/contacts.


    Not trying to be a damper, just trying to give you both sides of the story.

    That being said, I wear glasses and there are days where it’s just a PITA so, I totally get why you would want to have the surgery


  10. Several of my friends have gone to this specific doctor including my boyfriend who had the procedure done in 2004. Out of the 4 only one has experienced that Halo effect you write about. Of course that is a possibility & no way of determining the outcome. And yes I want both sides of the story:) Where did your husband get the LASIK done?


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