September 16, 2009


The British are coming! Perhaps not in Canada (yet) but the British cosmetic companyIllamasquahas been launched at Sephora in the U.S therefore its only a matter of time that they'll cross over the backyard into Canada. You can order online too! In my case while on a layover in London. A very short layover actually & I wasn't feeling well either但是我召集了力量和能量,跳上双层甲板,并将自己的自我送到自助架上。销售的女孩/化妆师一定以为我看起来很疯狂(&Green),但我有一个清单并坚持下去。我想向我展示整个系列,但我不介意听。我喜欢化妆,但是当您发烧并吐出最后一件事时,您想要的最后一件事就是毁了妆容盒,顺便说一句“华丽”的腮红阴影!而且您以为我的工作很迷人:)所有的都是化妆的名字!
On my list:

IllamasquaBronzing Duo in Glint & Burnish(来自警报器收藏)


Illamasqua Intense lipgloss移动
This shade is a mauve/pink. Its very creamy, like a liquid lipstick. In the pic it looks a bit more sheer but this has great coverage. Non-sticky & glossy impact! Can't wait to get more shades.

OK I'm in love with Illamasqua, makeup for your alter ego! Reviews on the net tend to compare this line to MAC but I would say its a little more avant-garde. I find the shades more intense & dramatic. And although MAC carries more selection & perhaps similiar shades Illamasqua is a bit more playful with regards to the texture & blendability of their products. The quality of the products are fabulous & worth checking out in person if you can get to a counter. Their colour swatches on their site don't do the colours justice. Prices are comparable to other department store brands, along the line of NARS makeup prices. For my Illamasqua haul I paid about $86.00 CDN in total, which also means no more makeup shopping for awhile.
Have you heard of Illamasqua? Thoughts and/or reviews you'd like to share?


  1. I did a mega haul and paid the shipping charges from the UK just because i wanted to try it out so badly. I have Dixie and LOVE it. I have just posted about Fable lipstick. I am a HUGE fan of the perfect red lipstick called Box, which was named after the brand's creator Alex Box. I am hoping Sephora is able to open up shipping to Canada for this brand because it is pretty amazing!


  2. 汇率不是“美容”友好:)迫不及待地想再次去伦敦查看秋狗万安卓季收藏。

  3. The Dystopia collection is apparently awesome.


  4. Hello Monica.
    Could you advise me on that?

    Thank you so much.

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  7. Ola Eliana! The best thing is to even-out your skin tone. If you don't like to wear foundation I would apply a tinted moisturizer, like Dermalogica's or easier to find in Europe Avene. I know that Avene has a green moisturizer that counteracts redness, however I've never tried it. As for a blush I would try a bronzer that has no red in it. Sounds like you might have rosacea, a dermatalogist would be able to better assist. Boa Sorte:) E obrigada pela visita:)


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