September 09, 2009

越过池塘的最佳美容狗万安卓秘密{liz earle护肤}

利兹·厄尔(Liz Earle)的护肤在北美可能并不广为人知(除非您的护肤迷),但它赢得了国外的无数护肤奖。2006年,利兹·厄尔(Liz Earle)正式在迈阿密的布朗斯和Co Apothecary越过池塘。目前,您可以在网上找到Liz Earlewww.lizearle.comor select stores in the US, clickhere呢我首先听说了我在伦敦的各种中途停留中的利兹·厄尔(Liz Earle)。但是,当我在美容博客上阅读几次评论时,真正震撼了我的船。狗万安卓最令人难忘的评论是化妆师/YouTube Guru Samantha,用户名Pixiwoo。我尝试过的两种产品是;丽兹·厄尔(Liz Earle)清洁和抛光热布清洁剂即时增强皮肤补品
清洁和抛光热布清洁剂是一个两阶段系统。首先,您将奶油清洁剂涂在干燥的皮肤上(您需要的只是一个泵,因此要稍微有很长的路要走),并在包括眼睛区域(包括眼睛区域)中轻轻联系。此步骤可在溶解污垢和化妆的同时刺激和刺激循环。第二阶段是清洁剂随附的穆斯林布。这就像Oil Cleasning Methodthat I raved about last year. Rinse the cloth in warm water, wring, and wipe off cleanser. I like leaving the cloth over my face for a few seconds & follow with a light message as I wipe off. Takes off all my makeup including mascara. Final rinse with colder water.
不要因为它是奶油清洁剂而推迟的,因此该清洁剂适合所有皮肤类型。我想补充一点,如果您易于痤疮,请阅读这些成分,因为我所有的评论都是从我的个人经验来看。我也不痤疮,但很容易使皮肤充血,这种清洁剂不会加重或堵塞我的毛孔。Liz Earle产品配有天然成分,无合成。不使用矿物油,石蜡,石油或任何原油或原代石油化学物质。我的皮肤看起来很清爽且清晰。我一直将其用作晚上清洁剂,尤其是在脱水后长时间飞行后喜欢它。使我的皮肤柔软,保湿和辐射。好像我有面部!另外,我喜欢桉树气味:)
This alcohol-free toner removes any traces of makeup or grime left (although you won't see much on the cotton pad as its all removed with the step above). Leaves skin refreshed, soothed & lightly moisturized! I put some in a spray bottle (spritzer option available) & like using it during flights. Smells divine!
Overall, if you can find Liz Earle in your area or are willing to order online these are the two main products to start off with. Next on my list of 'must-try's' are the Liz Earle moisturizers as the colder months will eventually come & my skin gets drier.
Have any of you tried Liz Earle products? Feel free to leave feedback
(source/pics: ,,,,Tina Thomson Communications)


  1. 我来自英国的博客朋友Liparazzi已向我发送了其中一些产品。他们都闻起来很香。她在他们身边发誓。


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