March 31, 2009


(Top Shop on the top & Selfridges in all other pics)

上周,我在伦敦的中途停留,我的第一站是牛津街。事情是我永远不会买任何东西!首先,汇率是疯狂的,而不是加拿大美元。但是,由于任何经验丰富的购物者都知道旅行价格通常不会皱眉,但汇率撇开了。这也发生在您身上吗?似乎当我在外国购物时的心态是:“我只是找不到这个回家,所以价格不是一个因素,但是旅行是我工作的一部分,我不再看它这样(至少我尝试欺骗我的大脑以这种方式思考)。因此,在大多数情况下,我的速度商店,除了星巴克高的冰摩卡拿铁咖啡外,没有任何东西,手里拿着大豆牛奶,看起来像典型的北美游客。我还想指出,与大多数人认为的相反,空姐在外国地方没有3天的中途停留,更像是不到30个小时的睡眠,吃饭和尝试购买购物。那就是数学! Yup, professional speed shopper would be me or shall I say professional window shopper:) Ironically, I ended up buying a shopping bag (save plastic bags) from Harrods to put all my purchases in or lack thereof.

我也很遗憾不买这个dress from TopShop, the picture doesn't do it justice. It looked so cute on & the back was sexy, I would've added a belt though. Oh darn it! I should've got it...but I find Top Shop can be so overwhelming. Its always busy, countless shoppers, & countless items to look at, and I find the layout of the store on Oxford to be confusing.
What are you faves in London?


  1. Ooh! That is one gorgeously cute bag, so great purchase, even if it IS only one ;)

    I find I tend to shop less when travelling (interstate or overseas), probably because I like to 'mull' my purchases over & over & carefully, and don't want to make a regretful purchase. Often that means I miss out on things, which I later regret :)


  2. 天哪,这是一个可爱的包!!!

  3. I like your bag. Top shop is a good store. it has all the funky things. I like browsing it stuff there.


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